A Sovereign State of Mind

Key West wanted to secede from the United States?!

Over two-and-a-half years ago, in 1982, the southernmost point of the USA -the island known as Key West- seceded (or succeeded or susseeded or successioned......whatever, they decided to become their own nation, separate) from the United States. As a result of increased importation/distribution/sale/use of 1980s’s Red Bull from Columbia, the Reagan administration set up a series of "protective" road blocks to stop drug trafficking into the interior states.

These checkpoints severely debilitated Key West's main lifeblood: the tourism industry. In effort to stand up for their rights, Key West became, "The Conch Republic:" it's very own truly SOVEREIGN state.

Serendipitously, a group of us attending the 2012 Filmmaking Masterclass in Key West, stumbled upon the 30th anniversary festival for the Conch Republic & Key West's suxxseckshin from the United States. We traveled all over the island and worked feverishly -interviewing new and exisiting citizens of Key West, lugging around thousands of pounds of gear, and drinking gin cocktails.

We're pleased to share this important story with you. We encourage you never to forget those who were severely scratched by loaves of bread in one of the most patriotic and heroic "things," to ever take place on the southernmost soil of the United States of America, The Conch Republic.


Roderick Peterson - camera, sound, lead editor, producer
Philip Bloom - producer
Nino Leitner - producer
James Kraii - camera, editor, color
David Holloway - camera, sound, man with a heart
House of Films - camera, sound
Sergio Pizzolante - camera, sound, music
Pascal Dephul - head of the film's mental wellness assurance and compliance department, camera, sound